Meter Reading

All meters of Fifth Ward Water System are "state of the art", electronic, radio read meters.  Due to the cost and complexity of these meters, the meter box is locked to prevent damage to and tampering with.  These meters are read by computer short wave technology.  Therefore, the cover to the meter box does not have to be opened to be read.

If for any reason a customer disagrees with the reading, contact this office and a field technician will open the cover and let the customer see the reading on the meter.

Any customer who opens a locked meter and causes damage to the cover, box or meter will be charged for the damages.

Meters are read on or about the 15th of each month.  Bills are mailed out to be in the customers hands by the last week of the month.  If a customer does not recieve a bill by the 1st of the month, contact this office to find out what your bill is.